Friday, February 11, 2011

Kid's Valentine Idea

Happy Friday!  Today's post is a very clever Valentine ideas for you kiddos class.  This was circulating in blog land for over
the past 2 years,  I think it originated from Family Fun magazine.  I thought I would give it a try this year.  So here it is!  Quite easy to do my crafting friends.   You take a picture of your kiddo with there hand stretched out front of them,  I copied mine over in and added the Valentine salutatin and uploaded it to the local print center.  You then take an exacto knive and cut above the hand and below and add the lollipop.  Sooooo easy!  and they are darling!  xoxo


  1. These turned out really cute!

  2. hey, thats pretty sweet... i wish we had these products when we were in school :P

    - L


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