Friday, January 3, 2025

Wine cork ornament

It's the new year yet I am bringing you a fun little craft to put in your back pocket for next christmas.
I have this big bag of wine corks left over from my creative classes
at WIT cellars.  They used to give me all their corks to use for the classes.  So it was time to come up with a creative plan for them. 

And here it is!
So cute!  Rudolph!  This took three corks to make.

The first is a full cork for the body, then take one and cut it
in half then in half again to make four legs.
Cut the last one in half for the head and use just 1/8" of one that you cut in half for the ears. 

Here's a better side view so you can see how I assembled it once I glued it with the glue gun. 

and the front view showing placement of his red nose, and ribbon.
For the ears I cut a pipe cleaner shaped into a heart and glued on the back of the head. 
I also used an eyelet that I screwed into the body and added jute to hang it. 

Taking his place on the tree.....
don't forget to add some googlie eyes! 


Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy New Year! 2025!

Happy New year! 2025!
And what a time we had ushering it in! 
My sweet daughter Shelby was here for the holidays
and my goddaughter Brittanie joined in the fun.

My dear friend Alison and her family hosted a fun bunco night to 
keep us all busy til the clock struck 12. 
We all got gussied up and had yummy food and played bunco.

Shelby and lil' Beckham 

Julia & Julie 

Bunco in action! 

Julie and Alison

Miss Jodi and Julie

What a great night ringing in the New Year!