Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Saturday I got a opportunity to go to Glassybaby, a company here in Seattle that makes these incrediable glass blown candle holders.  I have admired these for over 2 years and keep telling myself I am going to make a trip to the shop.  Well, I finally did and wow is all I can say. I am overwhelmed with founder Lee Rhodes and her amazing spirit and courage and ministry.  Here is her Goodwill to all:
To honor those who have walked her same path, founder Lee Rhodes established the glassybaby goodwill program, which has brought light and hope to thousands of people who are facing their own battles. During her cancer treatment, Lee met many other patients who could not afford even daily needs such as bus fare, childcare, or groceries. Today, much of the money donated by glassybaby goes directly toward meeting those basic needs. And to date, glassybaby has donated more than nine hundred twenty five thousand dollars from sales to charities dedicated to health, healing and quality of life.   You can visit and find out more about Lee Rhodes and Glassybaby  at www.glassybaby.com

Here are a few candle holders I came home with.... absolutely stunning once lit.

Here is just a mere few of the vibrant colors they offer..... stunning and tranquil


  1. I hope the bottom photo isn't of all the candles you bought. :) I looked up their website & the black dog with the 3 candles made me smile! However, the thing her 12 year old wrote about the candles brought a tear to my eyes. That's obviously coming from someone whose been through too much at such a young age. It's pretty deep for a kid. Did you read it? Does the color really show when you have a candle in it? How did you pick a color? There are 3 pages of colors!

    I think I'm moving out by you. The temp. just hit over 103 & it's supposed to be hotter tomorrow!

  2. Laura,

    It was really hard to pick the colors, it took me some time. It's amazing when you lite them the colors reflect completely different than what the outside color is. Hard to explain but as you chose the color you actually light the candle to see what it looks like.
    Yes, I did read the story, it brings tears to your eyes, that is why I love the company so much. So much to give others, especially hope which is what we all need.
    I would love for you to move here! you would really enjoy the weather. much more comfortable. Today 80, nice


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