Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mason Jar Mummy

Grab yourself some mini mason jars and some cheesecloth to make these lil' cuties.  Start by cutting a couple of pieces of cheesecloth. Take the lid and pop the center out to add the cheesecloth to the center flat piece.  Pop back into the rim and add the googlie eyes with a glue gun.  Fill the jar with your favorite treats.
Add some ribbon or baker's twine and don't forget to add the cute
mason jar tag. 

The top, with the mummy face and tag.

Jar of Love....

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Very cute idea!
    I liked how you used the test tubes for Christmas. I know a lot of people don't do Halloween so they can still make good use of the Paper Pumpkin kit. I happen to love Halloween so I don't have that problem! :0)


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