Thursday, August 10, 2017

Color your world

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun!
Well, my new door color covers everyone of those words!!!
I took a leap of faith with this color called Bora Bora Shore by Sherwin Williams.   It even sounds fun doesn't it!
You must do what you love!  be creative!

It took one coat of primer and two coats of the Bora Bora Shore to cover the existing black. I also took the time to lightly sand the door before I started to primer it. 
It's a labor of love people!!

If you have been to my home before you know it's come as you are, as the door mat states. 
 It's so important to me that all who enter feel welcomed and at home.
The door mat can be found at House of Belonging

I hope I have inspired you today to add a little color to your world!
I certainly had to step outside of my comfort zone by painting this color.  I typically choose neutral colors. 
 Remember this, paint is temporary and can be easily changed!


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