Monday, April 2, 2018

DIY Marble Bathroom Counter

Happy monday morning friends!
So you saw at my last post I tried this faux marble technique on my counter in my studio and just loved how it turned out!
I decided to try it on my bathroom laminate counter that is VERY dated and love it equally.

It really brighten up this space

The picture below is the before laminate counter.
In much need of updating.
And did you know you can paint laminate?
When I researched this online I couldn't wait to try it

This lovely brown marble counter is more than 25 years old, it was in the house when we moved in. 
 So glad to be getting rid of the look.

I started by lightly sanding the counter with an electric sander.
Once done wipe clean and let dry before you move on to the next step.   The next step is to prime it with two coats of primer. 
 I used 1-2-3- primer for multiple surfaces.
After your two coats of primer is on and dry move onto two coats of white Rustoleum semi-gloss paint.
With both the primer and paint I used a small roller brush to apply them with.  
 It creates a nice smooth look when you use the sponge brush.

Now moving on to the marbled effect.  I used apple barrel acrylic paint that you buy at the craft store.
 I bought a light gray and a black
You can view the video details of how to make the marble effect by visiting my Instagram account on the main page of my blog, it has highlight videos with step by step how I did this.

This is the final of the three steps before having to put a polycrylic on top for protection.  
I hope I have inspired you to try this!  I was super easy!


  1. Wow Julie! Both of the counter top makeovers look fabulous! You make it look so easy!

    1. Thank you Joan, it truly is easy! surprisingly!


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