Saturday, March 31, 2018

DIY Marble Counter top

So this is my "lovely" island in the center of my studio.  It has had this counter top for years and I just have always wanted to change it out.  So, I took to doing some research on how to paint laminate counter tops.  I found out it is super easy to do!

I first sanded the counter top and then put two coats of primer on top.  I usually wait an hour between each coat.  Once the primer is dry I used Rustoleum white semi-gloss paint over the top, two coats.
If you want to see step by step videos head on over to my instagram account on my front page to view the how to's

It's a three step process.
Once it's all dry I added two coats of a satin polycrylic.

Here is what it looks like all finished, I have to say I love how it turned out!

Brightened up the room tremendously!
If you want to see step by step videos on the how to's head over to my Instagram account to view how you can transform any counter in your home.  I'm planning on trying this on my bathroom counter as well.  Stay tuned friends!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good! You've been quite the DIY wild woman! I love, love, love the floors in there!!! The color on the wall is pretty too. Is the whole ceiling that color too?
    Happy Easter to you & your family!


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