Saturday, May 12, 2018

Magnolia Silo Marathon

Good Morning!
So not to bore you too much with the Waco trip, here is my last post about it.  One of the highlights was being able to volunteer at the inaugural Silo District Marathon.  The race consisted of three runs.  The 5K, the Half Marathon and the Full Marathon.  We were lucky enough to get to run ( that means be in charge of!) the halfway mark on the course which would be the 13 mile mark.  For those unaware, the half marathon is 13.1 miles, the full is a 26.2 mile run.  Phew! right?!
And look at those smiles!  What would a run be without swag!!!!

We had to be there at o'dark hundred hours,
 so we got to see the beautiful sunshine

Here we are preparing all the gatorade, water and gel packs for the runners. 
Below, this is my where's the Texas heat look,  I was freeeeezing!
(love those gloves)  It finally did warm up to a balmy 88

Chip started off the race with some encouraging words 

Next up was Joanna with her cute little baby bump and the kids

Getting ready!
Each one of the kids were to run a leg of the race with Chip. They planned on 2.6 miles for each, but once they got started they all kept running longer than expected.  How sweet was that!

Wondering why Chip ran in his tool belt?
He had a friend that was suppose to come run the race but was unable to make it.  His friend still ran the race where he was on his own wearing all the firefighter gear.  Chip decided to honor his friend who was carrying that extra weight by adding his tool belt

We are done!
And we were so happy to be a part of the race 
and be able to cheer and encourage everyone
This was a Boston marathon qualifying race, so we able to see some really talented elite group of runners come through
Amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it
That is all from the Waco trip, now back to some creativity!
Enjoy the weekend friends!

1 comment:

  1. It's so exciting that you got to see all of them in person! I can't believe how big those kids are now! How cool that you got to be a part of it all too! Did you get my email with my information?


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