Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, new decade

Hello 2020 and Happy New Year friends!
Well here we are, new year, new decade.

Forget the New Year's resolutions,
set an intention!
Ring in the new year with an intention.  
 This is a different way to set goals in your life that can totally improve success in being realistic about achieving whatever it is you desire to do.

Being intentional is different than a resolution;

Being intentional is setting your attention towards a goal,
It is an attitude.

A resolution is a specific goal that is firm and fixed- 
often resulting in what is labeled "failing" due to most of us feeling like there is something lacking in our lives.

When you set an intention instead of a resolution, your mind stops thinking about wanting what you do not have, and starts channeling your energy toward what you want to achieve.
That way if you happen to find yourself straying away from the intention, you are less likely to feel like you have failed since you are still moving daily towards your goals.

Hope this makes sense and adds a new way to look at your new year and be intentional about what you can add to your life
without being overwhelmed.

I have really never chose to have resolutions for the New Year,
 I have always told myself try at least 3 new things every year.
This can be ANYTHING!
Maybe you have always wanted to knit, or take a class
or learn a new skill or language.   
Be intentional with your time this year and challenge yourself to try three new things.
Think about what interests you, or draws you in.  It's all about trying new things in your life to see if you have new interests or a hidden talent that you didn't realize existed within you.
You never know, you may surprise yourself.

Make time and space to do what your passionate about!
maybe it's trying dancing, singing, writing, creating,
reading more, walking, volunteering, taking a class
yoga class, meditate, a massage, a new restaurant, meet people, cook something different, go see live music, take up a hobby, travel, go camping, sleep under the stars, get out on the water;
paddle board, canoe, fish, ride a motorcycle, try a new sport,
create art, raise chickens! 
I could go on!
These are just a few ideas and you can see it doesn't have to be big, some of you may have experienced many I have listed, but for others this is a small step towards trying something new this year that you have always been interested in but never have been intentional about pursuing. 

I hope you try at least ONE new thing this new year!
Happy adventuring friends!

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