Saturday, November 24, 2012

Seattle Holiday Style

We spent  last night in downtown Seattle taking in the Macy's  after Thanksgiving parade and all the  festivities.  We visited the Teddy Bear room at the Farimont, rode the Holiday Carousel and checked out the incrediable gingerbread houses at the Shearaton.  The theme this year was Disney princesses. Above was Beauty and the Beast.  Our local Architect firms build these amazing houses each year and each year they just keep getting better!.

This one is Narnia

Alice in Wonderland

Cinderella's castle

Santa comes to town!

Snowfall at Pacific Place

A visit with Santa

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Those castles are amazing!
    Those would have been cool at my wedding 17 years ago!
    My girlfriend made a castle wedding cake for us. We had a sort of Renaissance themed wedding.
    These are definitely a lot fancier!


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