Friday, March 23, 2018

Stupid Dishes!

Don't you just hate it when you get home from where ever are and you walk in to a pile of dirty stupid dishes?!!!
Here's my new towel design up in my Etsy shop.
Head on over to grab yourself one, or two!
$10.00 each
Click Here  to visit my shop for even more designs


How about we do a fun give away?
I have two of these super cute Spring framed art to go out to someone.
Leave me a message saying what you would like to see more of on my blog.  More DIY home decor ideas? or more cards? or something else? 
 Would LOVE to hear what you like to see when you come visit me.
I will choose two winners Saturday night at midnight.  
Your framed art will be shipped out monday morning.
Thanks for playing along friends and helping me to know what you like to see to inspire YOU!!!


  1. I love those little nests! I just saw some robins here in Illinois! That's a good sign! I always like to see card ideas but I'm really a fan of favor type things. I probably make more of those than cards. You know them as 'what can I make to put my salted caramels in'! Hee, hee! :0) Lets see, I also like seeing how you decorate your beautiful house for the holidays. I like when you take us to that wonderful store at Halloween time & it makes me want to send you money & shop for me! :0) I guess I like like a little bit of everything... just like you have been doing!

    1. Laura,
      I never heard back from the other winner that was chosen for the giveaway. Your name was picked next! So please send me your address so I can gift you with this framed art!

  2. Love paper crafting ideas, paper pumpkin alternative cards and DIY home decor. Your spring framed art is adorable.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. These are so cute!!! LoVE your DIY projects and would love to see more:)

    1. Carolee, Thank you for your encouraging words!
      Your name was drawn as one of the winners so please email me your address when you get a chance!

    2. Hi Julie not sure if my previous comment went through so thought I should get your email to send you my address. Thank you:)

  4. I commented yesterday but not sure where it posted too. Lol. I love everything you do and share but I especially love your “day in the life” posts you share and things like when you stenciled your bathroom tiles. That was so cool. It’s so hard to pick one thing cuz I’m inspired by everything you do. I just wish I lived closer so I could enjoy your classes. Big hugs sweet friend. ��


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