Sunday, September 29, 2019

Pumpkin Socks

Are you ready to get out some fuzzy socks and make these little cuties?

What you will need to make these fall pumpkins
fuzzy socks
needle and thread

Let's get this diy off the ground by first cutting your socks in half.

Now, take your stuffing/batting and get a good handful to stuff your pumpkin.   I filled mine to the top.

Next thread your needle and push through the sock.

Now take your needle and sew back and forth until you close the
sock completely.

Like this..... keep going til it's closed.

Now I want you think of wrapping a gift,  this is the part where you add the ribbon.  So treat this step as you would adding ribbon to a gift.  Start by wrapping the twine around once and then again so you end up with six sections.   I hope this make sense!

It should look like this, with sections.

The last step is adding the stem, to do this plug 
in your glue gun and using a twig you get from outside
glue it right down into the center of the pumpkin.
Like you see below
When done be sure and cut away the extra twine. 

And here they are!!!!
So stinkin cute!

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