Monday, September 23, 2019

Diy Pumpkin

Look what you can do with a scouring pad!
How cute is this little pumpkin.

You can find these just about anyhwere, I happen
to get a pack at the Dollar Tree but any grocery store carries them.

When you open them they lay pretty flat

Here are the items you need to create this pumpkin
scouring pad, scissors, a twig from the yard, some thin wire, a piece of felt for the leaf.

Once you take the pad out of the pack roll it between your palms to puff it up.  Once you have it in the shape of a pumpkin stick the twig right down the center of the pad.  I didn't feel I needed to glue the twig in place it stays pretty good.

You can see in this picture in the background the flat pumpkin and in the foreground is the puffed up one.  

To make the stem, get your wire and cut a piece about 
7" long and wrap around a pencil.  Pull off the pencil and slowly twist the wire right down the center of the pumpkin next to the twig.
Now cut out two small leaves and glue them on.

That is all there is to it!
These would be so cute on a table for a luncheon or Thanksgiving table or in a bowl with a bunch more of them made. 

lil' cutie 
now go get creative!

This will make you laugh!
In my creative class one of my friends always adds googlie
eyes to her projects whenever she can incorporate them, well
look what she did here!   too funny!

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