Monday, June 28, 2021

Funny Towels

Good Morning!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
We have been in the triple digits here in the PNW, something
that is very rare and something we are truly not equipped for!
It has only been in the 100's three times in the last
100 years here so this is quite unprecedented.
Today we are expected to reach 115 and above in some areas!

I hopped on to share with you to funnies, 
my two top selling kitchen towels from the shop.
The one above is by far the fav;
"Stupid Dishes"
and the one below 
" Stove for Display only"

I hope you find them as funny as I do,
below is just a carousel of others words
that I have on my towels.
They are great gifts for weddings, showers, birthdays,
and restocked for your shopping. 

So head over and grab one or two for you
"Home Sweet Home"
and stay cool out there! 

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