Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Classes and Regionals

So excited for Regionals saturday here in Washington! anyone going?  Here is a sampling of what I  am preparing for swaps.   It should be a fun day packed with stamping, visiting, business info,  yummy lunch, lots of friends!
 My October classes are now posted on my Website  HERE  go there to register and see what's in store for a 'Spook" tacular Monstober!   Come join in my classes!

Classes are:
Monstober 8 th - Kid's Class ages 1st on up -  Halloween Sweets and Treats class
Monstober 9th Adult Halloween Banner Class
Monstober 19th - Adult stamp class  cards and projects for Halloween
Monstober 25th-  POWER HOUR!  come stamp 4 cards in a hour and run you errands when your done!
check for full description on my website and register there too!

Here is the Halloween Banner we will be making on Monstober 9th


  1. I hope I run into you in Tacoma. I love your swaps.
    Port Townsend

  2. Yay! Karen I am glad you are going! please stop and say hi so I can meet you! and trad of course!

  3. Monstober! That is so cute! I love your banner and toppers :) Visiting from Ustamp With Dawn...welcome aboard! Erika

  4. Thank you Erika! so exciting to join you all! it should be fun, looking forward to start up! :)


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