Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Valentine Teddy Grahams

Good morning!  I'm getting these love "bear-ing" treats ready for the Ronald McDonald house.  I still have to come up with what the kids are going to do with them!  I found this idea on Pinterest.
Choose the box of Teddy Graham flavor or your choice and pick up some of the candy hearts.  I used a can of frosting to attach the hearts to the bears. Just use a little bit. Drys nicely, so don't worry about them falling off.   Now to figure out what to do with them!

So many possibilites!  You could make these up for the preschoolers, or grandlittles or adults who aren't "adulting" as much!  I'll post what I decide to do with them later.
Enjoy your wednesday!   
We are off to the ortho this morning, my youngest is getting her wisdom teeth out!  I think a surprise video is in store!


  1. Those are adorable little bears!
    The dental visit could be entertaining. When I was done having my wisdom teeth out, I was complaining about the music on their radio because it wasn't Metallica. I then started playing the air guitar for everyone there! Luckily that was before cell phone cameras! :0)
    Hope all went well for her!

    1. Hahahaaaaaaa! Laura, that's hysterical! I would have loved to have seen that in action! It's quite funny to see how they respond on the anesthetics. My sweet girl has been super agitated. Not like her! She's doing well, just very swollen. Glad you like the little bears. I hope the kids do too!


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