Monday, June 8, 2020

Diy Window Grids

It's been full weekends for us trying to keep busy
working on projects and remaining social distancing.
This one was a fun update.
We painted the outside of our windows black, even 
the screens.  Once painted, because our window grids are in 
between the window glass you have one of two choices to
cover the the grids.
And both techniques can be done inside or outside.
I started with the outdoor double doors and a window.

I chose first to try the least expensive way to cover
the grids by using,,,,,  wait for it.....
professional grade black electrical tape.
Yes,  you read that right!
electrical tape!

It easily covers the widow grid just perfectly , 
but if you are looking closely you wouldn't know it's electrical tape.
In the photo above, you can only see the white of the grid if you are looking down into the window, but looking straight on as you see in the picture below of the door I did, you cannot see it.
Below you can see on the left where I put the black electrical tape
and on the right the original white grids. 
Once seeing them side by side I decided that I wanted to 
keep the white grids!
After all the work on the one window!
But, what I decided was that with the house
being white and the grids in the windows being white
is that it looks really nice as a good contrast. 

So, if you think or decide you want to do this either
inside or out here is the electrical tape to use.
The other technique that is more professional are the 
grids below.

You can purchased these window grid kits on Amazon or
right at .  They have a great video showing you how
easy it is to add the plastic grids to your window.
Now remember,  you would use these if your panes are INSIDE
of the glass of your windows.
Hope this information has helped if you decide to try this.
I really thought I wanted my windows all black, and I am 
glad I checked into it to find out how it would look.
Always sharing to give you ideas and thoughts for your home. 

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