Thursday, May 9, 2019

Diy Mother's Day gift

Good Morning!
How about we get started with a diy mother's day project you can do easily with the kids!
Now,  this sounds like your making your own gift doesn't it?
But the idea is for you to make these and give them to any Mom's out there! Plus,  BONUS! they are super cute and easy!

I started with three different sized ball jars.
You can a find them at craft stores, goodwill, value village 
or the grocery store. 
I posted above the paint that I purchased from Michael's,
what's great about using chalk paint is that is dries super quick and 
easy and for the kids that's a plus.
Choose any colors that you might like, I chose spring like colors.

Using a sponge brush lightly paint on two coats, one at a time leaving about 5 mins between each coat.  Once dry I used a little piece of sanding paper to lightly rub off just a little of the paint to give it a distressed look.
If you don't have any potting soil go to the Dollar tree, 
(yes! they have a bag for a dollar!)
You certainly don't need much to fill the ball jars unless you are making quite a few of them.
Fill your jars almost to the top.
Then comes the fun part.

Now,  I have chicks and hens growing right in my yard so I love to head out there and use what I have.  If you don't have succulents in the yard then head to your nearest grocery store, or gardening center.  They will have plenty to pick from.
I was able to fit 3 small succulents in one jar, so see what you can do with the size you have.

I hope you will give these a try!
And if you are a Mom out there, Happy Mother's Day to you!
Enjoy your day friends!

1 comment:

  1. These are adorable. Thank you for sharing the idea. Too busy right now to do this but will plan on making these for my next tea party. They will make cute little gifts.

    Last years Tea Party I used your idea for the lavender syrup. The ladies loved it.
    Happy Mothers Day to you.


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