Sunday, May 12, 2019

Graduation Cap card

Graduation is just around the corner!
I thought I would show you how to make these grad cards.
They are super easy!
Cut your cap pieces at 8"x 8"

Take a piece of copy paper and cut it at 8 x 8" 
fold in half 

Cut it in half again.....

Then fold it through the center
Once it looks as it does above you will want to start folding
the center inward to create a valley like you see below....

I stamped Congratulations in the center, but you can use 
any word phrase you want.

I punched a hole in the center to run the brad through 
with the tassel.  I made the tassel with white twine and add
it to the top of the cap....

Have fun making these grad cap!

1 comment:

  1. This is a very cute Idea. I will use this for next years graduation. I got a reprieve this year. We will have two college grads next year.

    Thank you for such explicit details.


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