Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Galentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
It was a fun day celebrating "galentine's" day with a group of amazing gals that constantly push me in life and pour out so much. 
What I didn't know was that they secretly at the end of lunch
surprised me with a birthday suprise! 

Everyone brought salads and treats, we made a charcuterie dessert
board but I forgot to take a picutre of it! 
But, this was sure fun to try....
Have you seen butter candles? 
I had seen a few of these on Instagram and thought how fun would that be!
You make them by melting your butter,
 (I used a cube since there were only 7 of us)
and poured it into a plastic drinking cup.  Use one of the following for the wick;  an edible wick, hemp twine, or regular kitchen twine.
Cut a piece that's long enough for your cup size and using a chop stick or pencil tie the wick at the top and set it right into the butter.
I also added fresh little sprigs of rosemary to the butter.
Now move to the frig and let set.
When it's solid run under warm water for 10 secs and it will slide out.
Put it on a plate and garnish the plate, light the candle and dip your bread and enjoy! 

Isn't that something!
It was a hit!

I showed you these macaron's a few days ago that I found at Costco,
I put each in the plastci dome and had them on plates at the table.  

Here's my tablescape, neutral with pops of pink...
I try and always use what I have on hand.
You probably recognize the pink yarn hearts in the center and
the dried sprigs from my yard.
I used my gauze runner in white for the center and scattered
conversation candy hearts in the center. 

Do you remember these candle holders I show you how to make a few weeks ago?  They are back too.  Look around and see what you have that you can put on your tables instead of thinking you have to go buy new things to make it festive.  
Have a wonderful Valentine's day!
Eat some chocolate, watch a fun ron-com or spend time with loved ones, whatever you do spread a little love around today! 

1 comment:

  1. I see you figured out how to put 2 macarons in the little globe! What a nice table!! I'm sure you had a wonderful time with wonderful gal friends. Happy Day to you. Love all the great little ideas you share on your blog & it causes me to look around & see what I already have to make a special day "special". Thanks


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