Friday, September 20, 2024

Halloween broom treats

Happy friday!
Bringing you a fun and easy treat idea for Halloween,
whether for friends, teachers, class parties, littles
or luncheons.  This is a cute one!
I started with stick pretzels, black and white straws,
some 3 x 2" bags and some ribbon.

Start by filling up your little baggie with the pretzels,
insert the straw to the bottom of the bag leaving the 
"broom" handle sticking out of the top and tie off
with your ribbon.

Like this......
Now,  I know a lot of individuals don't celebrate halloween
so hers is an alternative for you. 
I purchased these bark looking straws on Amazon to
give the broom a autumn vibe. So if the Halloween
version isn't you try it this way. 

Either way is cute!

Have a fun weekend giving these a try! 

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