Sunday, November 28, 2010

Snowflake Lane and Botanical Gardens

Spent the evening at Bellevue's Snowflake lane.  . It’s a nightly display along the sidewalks of Bellevue Way and NE 8th Street of dazzling lights, music, dramatic drumming from live toy soldiers and magical snow that falls from the sky!  And it's complimentary!  All the better!
We also went over to the Botanical gardens....

The enormously popular Garden d’Lights festival features over ½ million lights which transform the Bellevue Botanical Gardens into a blossoming winter wonderland.  This is a must see for the holiday,  this used to be complimentary but have changed to charging an admission this year.  $5.00 for adults and kids 10 and under free.  You will love this!  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures! Love all the snowflakes on Bellevue. So pretty! TFS


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