Monday, July 27, 2020

Faux Shiplap

It's been a few days since I've posted.
We decided to head over to the mountains for a few days
and just take it easy while working remote.
I decided to try my hand on this wall with what's
called "faux shiplap"
What is it?
Well, simply put, using a black sharpie and 
drawing lines directly onto your walls!
The wall above is the wall I decided to try it on.

If you would like to see the video on how to do this easy technique 
"faux shiplap" head over to my instagram account which you can 
visit via my blog home page.
My handle is - julieannepitta
Go to my highlights and under "faux shiplap" is the video
on step by step instructions.

What you need is a black sharpie,
a piece of cardboard cut at 6" x 8"
a pencil
a long level 
and some of the existing paint of the color
of your existing wall for touch ups.

Start at the top of your wall using the cardboard
piece that you cut at 6" x 8".
Holding the cardboard to the wall, and using your pencil, mark
the wall every 6" all the way down to the bottom of the wall.

Once done marking, take your long level and sharpie,
make sure that you look in the bubble in the center
of the level to be sure your line will be straight, hold the
level in place with one hand while you lightly draw a black
line all the way across the wall to the end of the level.
If your wall is longer than the level then you will continue
the same line continuing where you left off.

You can see how I am holding my level, making sure to put
pressure on it so it doesn't slip while I draw my line. 

Here it is all done and boy I wish you could see it in person 
because I tell you, it seriously looks like I put up real shiplap!
The results are stunning and I have to say I just may have done 
a few more walls.   No walls are safe!

Here are a few more shots of the space I "shiplaped"
Stay tuned for me to show you where else I did this.
I hope you give this a try! If you find you don't like it,
 you can always just paint over it.

One thing to share, one of my lines just didn't look good to me, so I painted over it and redid it. 
Don't be afraid if you have a slip of the pen or a line that doesn't look like you would have liked. 
  Take your existing wall paint color
and  a small brush and paint over your errors if any.
  Easy to fix!
Have fun!  I hope you try this!

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