Monday, December 18, 2023

Annual Christmas Gather

Happy monday!
Our annual girls Christmas gather was this past weekend and it never disappoints.  I believe it is our 22nd year.   Most of our girl's are grown up now and live it other states sadly.   There were still 8 of us at the party, we missed our girlies who couldn't be with us. 
The party theme was pajama and waffle party. 

Everyone in their jammies~

We always take mother/daughter pics
this is Brittanie and Terri 

I decided this year to do the pajama/waffle party,
but the tabledecor and crafts were a gingerbread house
theme.   I made the above gingerbread house by cutting out 3" wood pieces and cutting a 45 degree angle for the roof line. 


Shenanigans are part of the day and we never miss out on playing
 some games.  This first game are votive candles that you light and then take a crack at blowing out as many as each participant can do!

So much fun!
The highest we were able to reach was 8!
But we did try!

And this one,  mound a pile of flour on the table, top
with an egg then using a chopper each participate
cuts away pieces of the flour without the egg dropping.
Whoever drops the egg loses. 

And this one you must try!
roll out rolls of tp and set a small cup with whatever type drink you'd like.  The participant slowly rolls up the tp without spilling the drink.
First one to reach the cup to themselves and takes a drink wins!

Hope you've enjoyed coming along with our day! 

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