Thursday, January 18, 2024

Diy aged vessel

Happy thursday!
This vessel caught my eye due to the size and style but really wanted it to be a darker color. 
Easy to fix!
Grab your acrylic paints and let's get started!

Depending on what color vessel you'd like you want to layer your colors.  Starting with the darkest first to the lightest. 
I am covering mine in a basic black acrylic with a sponge brush.
Now take a paper towel and choose your second color.
This one is a light brown.  
Lightly swipe some paint onto your waded paper towel and begin to 
blot the vessel.  I just keep going til I get the look I like.
If you feel like you have lightened it too much then add a little more black.  You really can't go wrong here.  
Just a lot of blending and layering. 

Almost covered.....

Completely covered. 
Now to add the third color which I chose a light taupe
that I continued to blot on the top of the brown. 
Let it dry and you're done! 

Here it is all done!
It's that easy to get that vintage distressed look just by using three acrylic colors of paint.  
These vessels you see at the stores such as Studio McGee and some of the interior design vessels can cost $$$!  
Take a walk through your local Goodwill or Value Village to find some vases, or garden vessels or any type pot that you can transform
inexpensively as well as creatively.
You can find some great sizes and styles at the thrifts stores.
Also look around your home and use what you have!
Remember, you can paint and change up to any colors!
Give it a try! 

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