Monday, January 25, 2010

Valentine Heart Suckers

Good Morning Ladies and Gents too! Boy I tell
you! I love all your enthusiasm! I love receiving
your emails of thanks and motivation! I have
received an abundance of emails asking if I am
coming up with any ideas for Valentine's,
oooohhh the pressure ladies! Well, today's post
might curb your appetites. (hopefully!)
As you can see I am also messing around with my
blog design right now. I think it is a bit too busy
so I am under construction the next few days
trying out different looks. Feel free to give me
your input! Now on to the post!
This little sucker is made with your punches.
It incorporates the 5 petal punch, the large heart
punch and the scallop oval punch and one small
sucker. Here are a few views and then instructions

Here's the under side. And below is how they
look upright.

Below are the pieces you need to make these

Punch out all your pieces in desired colored
cardstock. Take your 1/8 punch and punch
small holes in all pieces so that you can slide
them easily onto the sucker.
Start with the 5 petal punched flowers first, then
the 3 hearts. I did add adhesive to the ends of the
hearts right around the punched hole to hold them in
place. Then last the petals. I don't know that you
can see in the photo but I did take a sponge dauber
to the petal and leaves and shaded them.
Now you are done! How easy it that! xoxo

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