Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Halloween Subway Art

Subway art you say?  Subway art is a big trend right now and what it is really is windows or doors that are plastered with stickers, like say snowboard or skiing stickers, actually any type.  It's pretty cool.  But also you will see alot of vinyl words that are "subway art".  So today I designed this one all by myself!  I am sooo proud of myself!  My girlfriend Kelli has a a program that allows you to create images that you can then cut out of vinyl.  Similiar to a circut machine but much more professional.  You could cut words from your cricut or out of cardstock or vinyl  to create something very similar.  Anywho,  I used an old piece of wood I had laying around and then just chose different fonts to use.  The witch is a wall cling found at the Party Display store for $10.  Here it is up close.....xoxo


  1. Best Halloween Subway art I've seen! And I love your witch pic! Where did you find that?
    You should come link this up to my Making It With Allie party.

  2. This turned out so awesome, I love it!

  3. The witch looks like the picture from the book Wicked. I saw the play in Hollywood. It was sooo good! We got tickets for my daughter's birthday a few years ago.

    I love your subway art. Now I'm off to see more on your blog. :)


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