Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wish Big

Today's card is made with the new DSP paper with the "in colors". The robot is made with different punches.The body is hand cut, the arms are the photo corner punch.  The head is the 1 3/4 square punch.  The hands are made by cutting a 3/4' circle within the cirlce.  The rest is hand cut.  The colors are pumpkin pie, concord crush,certainly celery, red riding hood. Stamp set is word play,   I think any little boy would love to get this card for there birthday!  xoxo

Watch tomorrow for Link up friday!  Something new!  something fun!  stay tuned....


  1. Awesome card! Love the robot and the punches you used...very clever!

  2. This is just the ticket for my DGS's birthday.
    Thanks for sharing.


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