Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tile floor stenciling

Well how exciting that you get to look at my "commode"!!
No seriously, after using the chalk paint this past weekend and seeing how fun and easy it is to use.  I saw that a gal I follow on instagram was using the chalk paint to stencil her tile floors!
Now to paint the walls

With Dale-Marie's help and following her instructions she made it so easy for me to visualize this completion.
In the picture above is my tile bathroom floor.

I started by using a all purpose primer. (2 coats)
Using a sponge roller brush to apply the primer

Next I rolled on 2 coats of the base color of paint. 
I used Rustoleum White Linen chalk paint

Getting started, The stencil I am using I purchased at Michael's, it was $16.99, but with coupon ended up $11.99
You can see the stencil at the far corner lower left.  I taped it down at all four corners and used my roller brush to apply the paint.
I immediately lifted the stencil

See where the roll of tape is?  when I started the second row I didn't think about how far apart the stencil should be.  I taped down the stencil and rolled the paint on only to find that I didn't leave enough room in terms of spacing.
Once I was all done with the rest of the floor I went back over the tile that needed respacing with the White Linen chalk paint, let dry and reset the stencil to redo the design.  It all worked out!
I didn't think it was going to work! but it did.  phew!

Here is a pic looking down onto the floor.  
The last step was to put three coats of Polycrylic on the floor to protect it from water or anything else.  
I love how it turned out and big shout out to sweet Dale-Marie for inspiring and helping pull this off! Thanks girl!
Now to paint the walls!


  1. Wow, that looks great! Are you going to be a crazy woman now, running around painting everything in sight? You're going to be like...Hey wouldn't that toaster look great with pink chalk paint! :0) Seriously, you did a good job!

    1. Laura!!!! yes! you got that right! I now am looking at how I can paint the laminate on the countertop in the bathroom! I've gone chalk paint cray cray over here!
      And thank you! It was so fun and super easy to do!


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