Monday, January 28, 2019

Almond milk and treats

This saturday we tried a hand at making our own Almond milk.
A local friend posted her recipe and showed how easy it is to create this yummy nutty milk.
Starting with a cup of almonds, put them in a bowl and cover with water for overnight.
Once they have soaked drain them and put them in a food processor and mix for 2 minutes.  When it's all mixed take a cheesecloth, with a strainer underneath and strain the almond pulp.
Once you pour all the liquid through the cheesecloth it will fill up 
with the remainder of the almond pulp
(it will look like very fine pieces of almonds)
Take the cheesecloth and twist it to get all of the liquid
out of the cloth.  I did this several times until I felt I got the last 
bit of liquid out of the cloth. 
(You can use a nut cloth as well, I just don't have one)

Almond Milk 

Soak 1 c of almonds in water overnight
Drain water and put almonds into processor
Add 3 c of water 
Add 2-4 dates (I used 4)
also you can add some vanilla (1tsp.)
Blend on medium until it is smooth and creamy
Strain the almond milk over a bowl. 

Oh did I forget to mention how delish it is?

Almonds soaking.....

Straining the almond pulp

Keep squeezing till you get all of the liquid out
(I feel like I'm milking a cow!)

And there you have it!
See the almond milk?  
I used 1 c almonds and 3 c of water to create the three
cups of almond milk

Now, don't throw away your almond pulp that is in the cheesecloth!!!!!
You will want to make these amazing Almond Bliss balls
You get a two-fer today!
Almond milk and Almond bliss balls recipes

Here they are

Mix all the ingredients into the processor and mix on low slow speed for 3 mins.

Almond Bliss Ball Recipe
3/4 c of raw cashews
1 1/2 c of Medjool pitted Dates (Trader Joe's)
1/3 c of coconut oil
1/2 cup of honey
3/4 c of cacao powder or cocoa powder
1/3 c of shredded coconut 
(sweetened or unsweetened)
1 cup of the Almond pulp
Place cashews in the food processor, mix 10 seconds
add dates and mix 6 seconds
add coconut oil and honey and cocoa powder
mix all til well combined.
Roll into balls and roll into the shredded coconut.
Refrigerate till ready to serve.

What you see on top there is the almond pulp...

Once you add the cocoa it all comes together and looks 
so delish!
Now comes the moment when you roll them into balls,
any size is fine.  I made mine pretty good sized, now roll them into the shredded coconut.

These treats come packed with an energy punch!
the are dairy free, gluten free and just plain good!
And no baking involved!

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