Monday, March 11, 2019

Diy Easter Canvas

Happy monday morning friends!
I have a super fun and easy and dare I say the word "cheap"
diy for you today.....
I found these canvases at the Dollar Tree
If you don't have Dollar Tree in your area they can be found at any crafting store, I have even seen them at Ross!

I got online and googled different images that I wanted on my 
canvas.  I wanted an Easter vibe.
I printed out on regular copy paper a rabbit, music sheet and
the floral image you see above.

Once you have your images cut them out and determine how
you're going to arrange them on the canvas.

Start by laying the pieces on the canvas and moving them around 
til you find a look you like.
Mine only has three pieces so super easy to place.
Once you know where you want them add color.  
I used my Aqua painter and some pastel ink colors.
Let it dry, which should be quick if your using waterbased inks.

I chose to only color in the flowers and stems and leave
the rest.  You can add as much as you like, I just like a cleaner
looking image.
Once the color added has dried attach all three pieces using 
glue.  I use the Tombow dual glue.  Once the pieces are dry top
it off with a light coat of modge podge.  
Add your jute twinning and there you have it!!

Here is the finished canvas
I hope I have inspired you to try this easy diy
If you do, please send me your pics!!!

1 comment:

  1. These canvas are so sweet! You always come up with the cutest ideas! Could you please share the links to the printables you used? I would love to do a craft day with my sisters and nieces and use your idea>
    Thank you!


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