Sunday, August 23, 2020

Dahlia Love

Adding a little sunshine to your sunday morning with dahlia's from my garden  (a few from my neigbbor's too)
The above dahlia's on the lower half of the arrangement are called
Karma Choc Dahalia's, they are the only dahlia that has a scent and would you believe that they actually smell like chocolate?!!!!

Here is another..... it's called
Penhill Watermelon, it's stunning with it's peach tones
and spidery leaves.  

The ball type dahlia's in the photo is a vibrant crimson red pom pom called Natal.

Here is a photo of the Karma Choc up close so you can 
see it,  make sure and add this to your dahlia garden next year.
It's just down right dreamy, smell and all!!!!

And....... a drum roll please!
Now for the winner of the giveaway!
Marjie Schaefer!!!
I will be reaching out to you to get your goodies to you!
Thank you for participating!
Happy sunday friends!

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