Saturday, October 14, 2023

Dollar Tree wood ghost

Happy saturday!
coming back on with another ghost craft for you to try this weekend.
Ran to the dollar tree to get these wood cut outs and some tea lights.

Take some white acrylic paint and lightly paint 2 or your ghosts,
let fully dry.

I painted four since I want to make two of the ghosts.
Once dry using your glue gun, put a quarter sized
amount of glue on the middle reverse side of the ghost
and attach your tea light.  Now do the the same on the
other side so that your gluing them back to back. 
Now it's time to add some fishing line.  I like the fishing
line over ribbon, so if you don't have fishing line on hand
you can use ribbon.  
The idea with the fishing line is that it makes it looks like the ghost is
floating where ever you hang it.

Time to light up this little cutie!
Isn't this adorable!

This gives you a better view as to how I attached
the tea light.

Have fun creating one!! or more! 

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