Sunday, October 29, 2023

Your creations!

Happy sunday!
remember these lil cutie fabric bags that my bestie Kirstin taught me how to make that I shared back in July?

you also know how much I LOVE it when you share what you make that I share with you!  
what Marcie Brozovich one of my sweet followers sent me this past week.   She tried and succeeded her hand at the fabric bags!
Aren't they adorable!  And just in time for Halloween!

Cutest fabric!
I tell you, something I have found out now that I have gone fabric shopping with THE best is,  there can become quite and addition to all the adorable patterns of fabrics and all the ways you can coordinate these bags with them.  You can see how Marcie picked such complimentary fabrics with each of her bags. 
Well done Marcie!!

The vintage ones!  LOVE!

How cute are these pumpkins!
As always, I love to receive your creations, so send them my way! 
Has anyone else tried these bags?

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