Monday, August 6, 2018

Stitching away

Well who couldn't get any more excited about fall and halloween!
I can't help myself when the stores are already putting out fall/halloween decor!
And so goes my stitching......
I'm working on this little halloween cutie, almost done and then will decide what I will do with it. 

My Hubs and I went on a little road trip this weekend to tub down one of our state's rivers so I tucked this away in my bag to work on on the drive.  
So quick and easy to stitch and will be such a cute addition to my Halloween decor!
Anyone else getting as excited for the fall?


  1. This is adorable! I can't wait for fall but I am TRYING to embrace the rest of summer and not rush fall!

  2. What a great idea! I never thought to do that!
    I can't wait for fall! I love October! It has been a very hot & humid summer by me! I'm ready for fall! And Halloween!


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