Thursday, March 19, 2020

Easter Eggs

Good morning friends!
We need to have light and hope in this time of our global
melt down.
As I always share,  try something new!
We all have quite a bit of extra time on our hands if you are working from home or home with your kids.
I will continue to post ideas for you to keep you busy and seine
during this trying time.
How about using what you have on hand to give these Easter eggs a try?

All you need is newspaper or scrapbook paper.
I used scrapbook paper for my eggs as that's what I have on hand.
Get some modge podge and a sponge brush or any brush

Grab some plastic eggs, you can see mine are old
and even stained! 
Starting with your brush and some modge podge spread
then glue all over the egg.
(expect to use your hands, stickiness may be involved!)
take a piece of your paper, (about a 4 x 4" size)
and start wrapping it around your egg and pushing it into
the egg.  The glue will soften the paper and allow this.

Take a look in the above photo, this is how the eggs
will look before you start to push the paper into the eggs.

And in this photo how after I pushed the paper down how
flat they look and become.
Let the eggs dry about 15 minutes.
Then using any type of glitter,  
(I used the thick sugar glitter) 
Lightly add some more modge podge (just a light bit)
and shake the glitter onto the eggs, let dry

You can see the thick chunky glitter I used in the photo.
I also added the twine and small tag to the egg.
You could also add any ribbon or twine.  I also thought about
punching out an image like a butterfly and adding it or maybe a felt flower.   Get creative! 
 And if you make these send me a picture!

All done!
Now scatter them around the house where ever you put your decor for Easter!  In bowls, baskets, setting in a 3 tier tray 

So cute!

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