Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Deer Head Embroidery

Hi friends!
Trying something new, since I was flying to Utah to coordinate a wedding last wednesday thru sunday I wanted something I could work on while on the plane.  I saw these cute embroidered towels online with the deer head that I thought maybe I could make. 

To get started I found these dinner napkins at HomeGoods.
I honestly don't know if any of this is right as I don't really know what I am doing! But I bought some rich red embroidery thread, some needles and graphite paper.  
I found a little deer head online by google searching deer heads to embroider and just printed out.  

You use graphite paper to transfer images to either paper
or in this case fabric.
I cut a small piece to fit behind the size of the deer head.

Layer up the graphite paper behind the printed deer head,
tape it down with clear tape and using a ball point pen
trace over each x until you have done them all. 
The graphite paper will transfer the image onto the fabric. 

Can you see it above? 
Now, like I said I really don't know what I am doing, 
I mean this could be crossstitching..... I am just not sure.
So I am calling it embroidery.

Use a embroidery hoop to secure the fabric so that you can easily
make your x stitches.  

Here it is up close, not the best at this yet, but
at least I am giving it a try! 

All done!
Not too bad, practice makes perfect!
I have 7 more to go!
I thought they would make a cute liner for rolls to be served in.
Any of you know if this is considered crossstich or embroidery?
I hope you try this!!! 

1 comment:

  1. That’s cross stitching and it’s adorable! Great plane project.


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