Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!
My sister and I and our husbands went into town to head to this fun pop up bar the "Black Lagoon" held at Rob Roy's in Seattle.
The entire place is decorated for Halloween and for a short while they have the pop up bar where you can order all kinds of drinks that come in different flavors and glasses.  We ordered the non-alcholholic one called the "death rattle"  the husbands ordered the "book of blood' and "silent scream".  The drinks were delish!
The decor was insane and most everyone was dressed up, except us. 

These are the drinks offered.
Going into december they will switch over to Miracle on 2nd
with all kinds of Christmas drinks. 

Some of the decor..... 
and below my sister and I tasting our yummy drinks... 

Here's to your halloween and hoping you are having a spooktacular time! 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Your creations!

Happy sunday!
remember these lil cutie fabric bags that my bestie Kirstin taught me how to make that I shared back in July?

you also know how much I LOVE it when you share what you make that I share with you!  
what Marcie Brozovich one of my sweet followers sent me this past week.   She tried and succeeded her hand at the fabric bags!
Aren't they adorable!  And just in time for Halloween!

Cutest fabric!
I tell you, something I have found out now that I have gone fabric shopping with THE best is,  there can become quite and addition to all the adorable patterns of fabrics and all the ways you can coordinate these bags with them.  You can see how Marcie picked such complimentary fabrics with each of her bags. 
Well done Marcie!!

The vintage ones!  LOVE!

How cute are these pumpkins!
As always, I love to receive your creations, so send them my way! 
Has anyone else tried these bags?

Friday, October 27, 2023

Spooky House

Spooky house ahead!
See the lovely lady above?  that's my Auntie and she is known in Magnolia as the spooky house on 35th Ave W.
She has been decorating her home for years and holds tours the month of October as the "ghost host" (that's what I call her!)
She plans all year long for decorating for Halloween and the rest of the months she decorates her skellies in her yard with what holiday might be trending at the time. As  for halloween, she comes up with every idea to decorate every nook and cranny and room in her home.  
Below are a few pics of some of her rooms, even the bathrooms are decorated!

Most all of her decor is interactive, even the mirror above comes on and talks at you. 

This is her dining room dubbed "til death do us part. 
Look at all the pink clever decorations~!!

Now this one, this will truly creep you out!  if I could only add the video for you to hear these toys, nothing like Toy Story, more like Toy Scary!
The toys slowly come up out of the box talking in very creepy voices.
Every turn of every corner of her home has a different theme to it. 

In honor of the 30 year celebration of Nightmare before Christmas
she created this set up in her bedroom.  It's as if you are in Disneyland,
she misses not one detail in her ideas and executing her designs and decor. 

This is the witches lair, everything in the room
is what a witch is interested in and would have,
even the spells!

Small corner of the Haunted Mansion room, I wish you could see it 
all, just amazing! 

This room is the Taylor Swift Halloween ERA
room, even the skellies are wearing their friendship bracelets. 

Luigi the bartender in her kitchen.
There was so much more that I didn't post.
My auntie is so talented and creative!
I love how she comes up with different ideas
every year to shake things up. 
This is truly her gift and I hope she knows how many people she makes happy with her month;y skellie set ups and her Halloween spooky house she shares year after year. 
She evens has a book and has been featured locally in the newspaper.
I am so proud of her! 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Paint and Sip

Happy 21st birthday Julia!
I hosted a paint and sip for my girlfriend's daughter this pasts week.
I mean look at the natural talent these gals put out!
Each picture was well thought out and painted. 

I set out little vases again with flowers for each gal with a little scripture attached to the vase. 

serious little painters....

It's so much fun to get others together to create pieces on their
own to take a little time to be creative.
And as you can see these gals did an amazing job!
Have you tried a paint and sip? 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Gingerbread bags

Look at these cute gingerbread house bags I found at Ross.
10 bags $3.99

So of course I had to add a little somethin' somethin' to them.
I punched out some small red heart and adhered them and tied some 
red/white baker's twine to the handles and added some greens.

I also thought how cute it would be to get some
of that white puffy paint to add to the outlines
of the house to look like frosting. 

Ready to fill and gift away.....
Easy and super cute.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pumpkin patch

Happy saturday!
You are never too old for the pumpkin patch right?
My oldest was in town visiting and wanted to do all the fall things,
so of course we went to Snohomish for lunch at our favorite place
Heidi's Sandwich board, then onto Craven farms for pumpkins.

It was a perfect fall day, warm weather and lots of mud!
We picked up some honeycrisp apples and pumpkins, went home and turned on Halloween movies made some homemade apple sauce and painted pumpkins.   Perfect day!

Happy hearts all around!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

High Tea

Hello and welcome to the Fairmont Olympic hotel
in downtown Seattle.
I grew up coming here and seeing the Christmas Teddy bear room
as well as visiting the gingerbread houses at the Sheraton hotel.
But today,  today was even MORE special.
It was wedding dress shopping day for my youngest daughter with high tea at the Fairmont/Olympic hotel.

The bride to be is in the middle with a few of her friends 
(with a couple of her bride squad missing).

The tea luncheon was absolutely delish!
They bring you out three tier trays with layers that have sandwiches, scones, and desserts.  And of course,  the tea of your choice. 

I chose the Bella Coola tea which was a decaf with citrus infused flavors. 

My daughter Shae surprised each of us with a pair of lacey
gloves to wear while we sipped our tea. 

Such a beautiful presentation......

After tea it was onto trying on a long list of wedding dresses
at three different vendors.   Needless to say,  she found two dresses she rated at a 9.5, but is not completely decided saying yes to the dress yet.