Thursday, October 22, 2020

Halloween Wreath

Happy Thursday!
Bringing you back a post back from July,
This super easy Dollar Tree Halloween wreath.
I saw these wreath's and knew I had to make one.
I had everything on hand to make this.

You can use any type of base to make this, a wire wreath,
a grapevine wreath, I used a styrofoam one as that
is what I had on hand. 
You also need a paperback book, some twine,
scissors, a glue gun and some spanish moss and plastic spiders.
All of these items can be found at the Dollar Tree 

start by having your glue gun heated and ready to use.
First start by tearing out a page of the book and folding 
it into a triangle attach it starting anyhwere on your 
wreath using your glue gun to adhere it to your wreath.
Should look like below;

The next step is to tear pages out of the book and roll as many as you can.  ( I watch shows while I do this) after rolling one
use a very small piece of scotch tape to hold it together.
I think I rolled about 25 of them.
Once rolled take your twine and tie three together.
Start anywhere on the wreath and add the rolls going around
the wreath. 

Keep going.....

and going...... it actually goes quickly

Okay, mine is covered, here comes the fun part.
Now add as much of the spanish moss in the spaces 
that are empty, you can see them in my photo.

You can follow what I've done or add as much as you like.
I then added just three of the plastic spiders, then the crow.

All done!
Now I have to put it away for a few months.....
now onto some Christmas ideas!  just kidding...

Nevermore vibe......
You could change it up a bit and add pumpkins
instead of crows or anything else that you might like
in your Halloween decor. 

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