Saturday, April 18, 2020

Diy Garden Markers

Hello friends and happy saturday!
All the days are starting to blend in aren't they?
Are you antsy to get your garden started?
In our region of the PNW we still have to be careful when we plant our veggie gardens.  We can only do the hearty type variety right now.  Typically after Memorial day weekend is the best time around here for planting the rest of the veggies in the garden.

I spent the earlier part of the week getting this area ready for planting.  At the top of the picture is where I will be planting over
20 Dahlia tubers in the coming month. 
My neighbor has a wonderfully massive collection of over 1000 dahlia bulbs in her yard so I am looking forward to purchasing some tubers from her.
After I planted my spinach, kale, snow peas, sugar peas, strawberries, I was trying to find a way to mark the veggies.
Since we are in quarantine mode I took a look at what I had
around the house and decided to use the lid of a ball jar.

This is what I made.....
super easy and used what I had.
If you don't have them, we can still go to the grocery stores and they are on the canning aisle.

To make them I used some craft wire I had on hand and a black permanent sharpie oil pen

For the veggies that don't require a trellis I just tucked
the lid in the ground for now,  I am trying to come up
with an idea to attach the lid to something to stick into the ground.

Here are the items you need to make these;
top of the page is what's called a crop-a-dile,
it is basically a hole punch for heavier duty material and also
sets brads but if you don't have one you can use a regular hole punch or a piercing tool.
a hole punch
wire or twine
ball jar lid
sharpie permanent marker

Start by punch a hole in the lid

feed your wire or twine through the hole once and then back 
through again to look like below....

After you feed it through twice twist it together
at the base so the top is still open so that you can 
attach it to the trellis.

Now using your sharpie permanent marker
write your veggies on the front and start attaching 
to your garden!
How easy and cute was that!
There you go,  weekend diy for you!

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