Saturday, April 25, 2020

Garden update

Happy sunday friends!
Last week I shared with you the diy garden markers
that I threw together for my garden.
Since then,  I found out a way to remake them so I could write on them but not have the weather ruin them.
Also happy to share that everything I planted is up! 
I am so excited to see the garden start to flourish!
So here we go......!

Above are the original ones, 
I used the lid of a ball jar and a sharpie permanent
maker to write the names on the tag.

You will still start with the ball jar lids, 
but this time punch out a 2" circle and hand write
the veggie on the circle.
Next step is to use some modge podge on a sponge
brush, lightly apply it to the back of the circle and attach
it to the ball lid.
Now go ahead and add one layer of the modge podge,
let it dry a few minutes and add another coat.

I also figured out a way to add the jar lids to the popsicle
stick by using E6000 glue to make them stick.
You don't want to use a hot glue gun on this project
as depending where you live once the sun
is out you won't want the sun to melt the 
glue gun adhesive which it will in the direct sunlight.

Now they are ready to put them into the ground!

Here they are,
 all done!

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